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Commercial property and corporate work is at the heart of our practice. We service a range of clients in various sectors. Our approach and reputation mean that clients keep coming back and continuously recommend us.


Purchase and sale of businesses

Purchasing or selling a business is a major transaction, and one which requires expert legal advice. We advise buyers, sellers and financial advisers on mergers and acquisitions, and private equity buyers on private equity financed deals. We deliver the full range of services which apply to an M&A transaction.

Commercial property

Nearly every commercial organisation will have some interest in property, whether as an occupier, developer, investor or commercial landlord. If you, or your business, is planning on purchasing, selling or leasing commercial property, or seeking to raise finance or negotiate a joint venture then we can help make the process hassle free.

Management buy-outs

The early appointment of experienced legal advisors to the MBO team can help considerably with the up-front planning, structure and co-ordination of the deal as well as assisting the management team negotiating with the seller or vendor's incumbent advisors. We advise management, investors and company owners on all aspects of management buy-outs, including structuring, commercial and financial considerations.

Restructuring and finance

We have a history of successful involvement for our clients in corporate restructuring, acting for banks and other lenders, corporate debtors, company directors, turnaround investors and managers, insolvency practitioners, corporate purchasers, as well as creditors and other stakeholders. We advise on all the issues associated with restructuring, from insurance and debt, through to recovery actions and asset recovery.

Structuring of investments

The choice of an investment vehicle or investment structure is often driven by tax, commercial and practical considerations. We act for a wide range of stakeholders in such situations and we are able to deal with numerous aspects of an investment.

Private equity

We have extensive experience and expertise in legal aspects of private equity work. Our lawyers advise on the full range of transactions from venture capital investments to mergers and acquisitions and from the initial investment all the way through to exit. Our expertise includes acting for private equity houses, lenders, companies raising finance and management teams.

Share schemes

Employee share schemes are one of the key tools for companies to provide meaningful rewards that are linked directly to the long-term financial success of the business. We can help you in designing and delivering the right share scheme solution for your business, guiding you through the challenging employment law and regulatory issues. We will also work with you on the operation and administration of your share scheme: helping on the grant of new awards, processing vested awards, dealing with departing employees and advising on corporate transactions.

Tax efficient incentive arrangements

Our team is led by a partner who is an independently recognised expert in this field, with significant experience of advising clients on all aspects of their equity-based incentives and wider executive remuneration issues. Our team is at the forefront of innovation and thinking in this area.

Partnerships and LLPs

Covering traditional partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), Medical, Dental and other professional Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and Joint Ventures - if there is an area in UK partnership law that you need help with, you should speak to us sooner rather than later. If you're thinking of entering a partnership we can advise on important considerations, including creating a partnership agreement that protects you and your business. We can also assist if a partner wishes to leave the partnership for any reason.

Agency and distribution agreements

Whether you are a principal considering the use of agents or distributors for the first time or are looking to review your current arrangements, or whether you are an experienced or potential agent or distributor, we will tailor our response to your specific needs and requirements. Whilst our direct involvement may end at the signing of an agency or distribution agreement, we understand that this stage is the beginning of a long and productive working relationship for all involved in the process. We bear this in mind at all stages for our advisory role - during drafting, negotiation and advice - so that you can reach a commercial agreement which benefits you and the other party, allowing you both to build a sustainable future.

Joint ventures

We support corporates, investors and entrepreneurs on structuring, drafting and negotiating their joint venture agreements. We also offer a broad range of supporting advice in areas such as intellectual property rights and exploitation, commercial agreements, real estate, employment and benefits.

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions establish the basis on which you do business and set out the extent of your liability, which can help to avoid litigation if drafted correctly. We can draft your terms from scratch, or review and advise on your existing terms to ensure that they are appropriate for your business, compliant with the current law and, most importantly, are legally binding. We have experience in drafting terms for many different industries and also for e-commerce businesses with the additional requirements that apply to trading online.

Our team understand how important intellectual property law issues are to any business. Ensuring you have an understanding of trademark law and copyright issues could ultimately decide the longevity of your company. We can help you to understand your intellectual property rights and this complex area of law.

Corporate insolvency

We can offer immediate, pragmatic legal advice both prior to and during an insolvency event and work closely with clients to solve the range of issues involved when experiencing financial difficulty. We often work with accountants and insolvency practitioners to deliver solutions best suited to your business interests.